
I started this blog with the desire to improve my finances and hopefully help someone else do the same. Shortly after starting work on improving my financial life I decided to attack my weight problem too. Since making that decision I decided to relaunch the site with a new name and URL. So….welcome to the new Finance and Fat blog!

Now that I have finally decided what to write about, look for more frequent posts on both losing weight and gaining wealth. Also, look for a new site design shortly, hopefully ready to be rolled out today.

Might as Well Lose Some Weight Too

Since I’ve gained great focus on improving my finances, I can see that focus spreading to other areas of my life as well. I am currently at the heaviest weight of my life- 266 pounds. About six years ago, I had hit an all-time high of 255 pounds and that inspired me to get to work and dropped all the way down to 205 in under a year. Since then, my weight has gradually crept up, but in the last year I’ve gained about twenty to thirty pounds without even realizing it.

Actually, I have a pretty good idea of how that happened- World of Warcraft. If you don’t know what that is, let me just summarize by saying that it is a horrible time sink of a video game that sucked away all my free time and productivity for the past year and a half or so. Since starting to play it, I have seen huge regression in my job related learning (advancing my skills off work time) and just about any other productive activity that I used to engage in (exercise clearly included). Realizing this is my biggest obstacle to getting healthy, I have now canceled my account. Look for more updates on my weight progress as I focus on losing weight and debt at the same time!

Posted in Fat

Spending Too Much on Groceries

In the month of August, for two people, I spent $628.26 on groceries. That number does not include eating out or any household items- just food from the grocery store or Target. That was a little under 9% of our net income last month. I’m not sure if that is an unreasonable percentage, but it is the highest dollar amount we have ever spent on groceries. When I see our total debt only decreased by $700.25 over the same month, I see the grocery spending as a major opportunity for improvement this month.

Stupid Things I Do With Food

I buy too much of it. My pantry is overflowing. I have no shelf or cabinet space left. I cleaned out the pantry recently and found food that I didn’t even know I had anymore. The freezer is so full I have to spend time digging and rearranging it when I come home with groceries (yes, I add more food to the already overflowing freezer).

I throw it away. Just last week I threw out about $12 worth of old food from the refrigerator. A couple weeks before that I threw away a rather large amount of food from the pantry because it was expired, though I did not take the time to think about how much money was wasted then. It strikes me as rather ridiculous that I throw away perfectly good food just because I didn’t feel like eating it in time or I was too lazy to do so. It’s not that $12 of wasted food is breaking the budget, but it is a good indication of a problem- and I can tell you that I’ve had this problem for a while.

Smart Things I Can Do With Food

Obviously, I don’t have all the answers, but my first step is to eat the food I have and not waste any! Last week I made a large portion of rice. It was tasty and I had a lot left over. In the past, I would have stored the leftovers in the fridge, maybe have one more serving, and let the rest just languish there for a while until I had forgotten about it and forgotten how old it is- then throw it away. This time, I brought the leftovers to work for lunch and didn’t stop until I had eaten all of it. So not only did I not waste food in the first place, but I saved a lot by using it at work and not eating out or preparing other meals for lunch.

I’ve read a lot of great blog posts recently about spending on food. I’m going to work to implement some of these ideas and see what kind of progress I can make this month. Look for updates in the future.

Here are a few of the great posts I read recently: